
of the awkward position. I told Frank that I thought I could do better if he didn't mind my dancing a little closer in a cheek-to-cheek position and if he would put his right hand further down my back guide me stronger. At the same time I found that closing my eyes prevented me from seeing what was going on and from attempting to lead in avoiding other couples etc. Things then worked out very nicely indeed. We glided around the dance floor in a very satisfactory way with only an occasional slip,

After this had gone on a bit between intervals of re- turn to the table I began to feel strangely different. At first I was not quite aware of what it was, but I just felt, relaxed, comfortable and with no sense of respon- sibility for the dancing. That was Frank's job. Swing- ing and swaying around in his arms with my eyes closed and letting my feet do what he wanted them to do not what I wanted gradually led to a feeling of having released myself completely to his decisions. He was my husband,

I was his wife. He was leading me, holding me, making me do things, He determined the steps and movements of the dance and he was therefore making all decisions and taking all responsibility regarding me. In turn I could and did feel dependent on him to guide and direct me, I did not have any decisions to make or responsibility to take. My eyes were closed so that my world for that time consisted of Frank and I, the music and the rhythm and motion of the dance. This was lulling in a way by itself but the situation was becoming one of great relaxation even though considerable muscular movement was being re- quired in the actual dancing. I was enjoying it far beyond any other dancing I had ever done. I wasn't at the time quite aware of why but I was certainly aware of the feeling.

After a time the hour grew late and we went back to our motel and to bed. Next morning we arose undecided as to whether to go to church or to another nearby town where there were some special places to see and things to do, At breakfast in the hotel coffee shop we decided to visit this town. I was wearing a lovely blue velvet suit with